Escape From Tarkov Update Brings Mip Streaming Back, Patch Notes and more

2022-08-13 03:34:06 By : Mr. Shawn Wu

Earlier today, Escape From Tarkov received a new update focusing on better performance and integrity by fixing known bug issues and improving netcode. As per the official patch notes, the network buffer is now optimized and should reduce the network latency for players, which should resolve in less desync. Titled, this patch fixes displays of certain items and buttons on higher resolutions.

Mip Streaming has also been reworked and activated once again from the options. Previously, Mip Streaming was causing game crashes and freezes with the release of 0.12.12. Now, the feature has a limit determined by a custom input value – the lower the value, the slower the loading of textures to a given quality. A higher value will result in faster rendering and a bigger load on the hard drive.

Presumably, this update has also added some hidden content to the game, which might be revealed during today’s Escape From Tarkov developer Livestream.

1. Mip Streaming has been reworked and can now be enabled in the Graphics settings. 2 new options were added in the Graphic settings:

2. Optimized the network buffer to reduce network latency for other players;

3. Adjusted the Player Scav spawn system to prevent spawns in incorrect positions;

4. Changed the “task item” icon display. Now it will appear only when the item is still required for the task. If the subtask is already completed and all items are transferred, the icon will not appear;

5. Added new sounds of movement on plastic surfaces;

6. Adjusted sounds of movement on thin wood surfaces;

7. Added sounds of falling ammo casings on plastic surfaces.

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